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My story

The horse's name was Popcorn and the year was 1976. I was finally going to start riding school. It was there and then, in the stables at Jutagården outside Skövde, that everything started. A lifelong love of horses.

Horses have always had a special place in my heart, a passion that is not only about riding but also about the deep, soulful connection I feel to these amazing animals. Their presence gives me joy, peace and a wordless understanding. For me today it's about more than just riding, it's about building confidence and creating a bond of trust and respect.

Through countless hours in the saddle, numerous working hours in different stables as well as several educational opportunities and meetings with knowledgeable horse people, I have accumulated solid experience and a thorough knowledge of both the needs of horses and the sport itself.

I can neither do everything nor know everything, but with my curiosity and my need to learn more, I want to be involved in driving the development of the equine industry forward.

48 years after that first riding lesson on Popcorn, I have decided to start a company with a business idea aimed at those of you who love horses as much as I do.

The idea behind Hyltarp Sweden is based on more people having the opportunity to dress their horse in rugs that not only have a good fit, but are also of high quality. Rugs that give your horse a comfortable and pleasant experience, regardless of external conditions, for a good night's sleep or for play and mischief in the paddock.

Already during my first visit to our producer, I knew we were on the right track. Here was a supplier who understood our ideas and with the right feeling, could realize our visions based on function, fit and design. A supplier that gives us the opportunity to through close collaboration develop our products so that Hyltarp Sweden can offer horse rugs of a very high standard.

Our watchwords are participation, development, and joy. Here everyone should feel included because everyone is important. Regardless of whether you are a customer, supplier, partner or employee, you are warmly welcome to Hyltarp Sweden.

Have a lovely horse day,

Agneta Carlén, CEO

Agneta Greta

"The satisfaction when I see my horse standing in her cleaned box, eating her evening hay in a nice warm rug, then I feel good to the core."